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The content of this website has been compiled with the utmost care. Nevertheless, the provider accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. The information contained may be altered at any time and without prior notice. Any use of the content of the website is at the user’s own risk. The provider assumes no liability for damages of any kind due directly or indirectly to the use of this Internet site. The accessibility of the website cannot be guaranteed. Contributions identified by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not necessarily that of the provider. The mere use of this website does not result in a contractual relationship between the user and the provider.

This website contains links to third-party websites (“external links”). The operators of these sites are solely responsible for their content. When these external links were created, the provider checked the content for possible legal violations. At that time, no such violations were evident. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of linked pages. The creation of an external link does not imply that the provider adopts the content of the reference or link. The provider cannot reasonably be expected to continually monitor external links for legal violations without concrete indications of such violations. If the provider becomes aware of legal violations, however, such external links are deleted without delay.

The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any use not permitted by German copyright and performance rights requires the prior written consent of the provider or respective rights holder. This applies in particular to duplication, adaptation, translation, storage, processing or reproduction of the content in databases or other electronic media and systems.


Content and third-party rights are indicated as such. In the unlikely event of incorrect identification of the rights holder, please contact the editor of this website. Should legitimate claims exist, the necessary corrective action is taken without delay. Unauthorised duplication or dissemination of individual passages or entire pages is prohibited and punishable by law. Only printing of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.

Presentation of this website in external frames is only allowed with written permission.

Information regarding access (date, time, pages viewed, etc.) may be stored when the user visits the provider’s website. This information does not include personal data but is anonymised and used solely for statistical purposes. It is not passed on to third parties for either commercial or non-commercial purposes. 


If it is possible to enter personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, postal addresses) on the website, disclosure of this information is strictly voluntary on the part of the user. If technically feasible and reasonable, the use of and payment for all services offered is also allowed without disclosure of such information or through the use of anonymised data or an alias.


The provider expressly emphasises that data transmission in the Internet (e.g., communication by e-mail) involves security vulnerabilities and may not be completely protected from access by third parties.


The use of contact details published in the legal notice or similar information, such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers or e-mail addresses, for commercial advertising is strictly prohibited, unless the provider has given prior written consent or a business relationship already exists. The provider and all persons mentioned on this website hereby object to any commercial use and dissemination of their data. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against anyone who violates this prohibition by sending so-called spam.

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